Jerry G. Brown, CFA, FRM
Clifton StrengthsFinder®
Belief – Learner – Connectedness – Developer – Responsibility
After a 20-year career in capital allocation, credit analysis and institutional investment advising, Jerry took advantage of an opportunity to utilize his investing skills to help steer the investment process here at TJG. Jerry really believes in using his time, talent, and treasure to help others live out their best life, and to help make the complicated turn out to be simple.
Jerry appreciates all The Joseph Group values, which conveniently are summarized in an acronym, “I-THEE.” If he had to make a choice, his favorite value would be Teamwork, along with Excellence being a close second. Jerry believes in that common, yet clever cliché, “Teamwork makes the Dream Work.” We all have a different set of strengths that can be combined in ways to bring out better results than if we had to “go it alone.” In other words, in a well-functioning team, one plus one can be more than two.
Jerry’s mother would always tell him, “No matter what they take from you, they cannot take away your education.” As a result, not only did he obtain two master’s degrees, in Chemical Engineering and Business, he also has two professional certifications – Financial Risk Manager (FRM), and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), and is always eager to learn more.
Jerry and his wife Kendra have two teenage boys and two adult children. Jerry leads a Small Group Bible Study with his wife, is Board Treasurer for the Hardy House, the co-Chair of the CFA Society of Columbus Programming Committee, runs the local Toastmasters Chapter as president and Area Director. He is dedicated to fitness, competing in various marathons and Ironman races in the Midwest. Finally, he is heavily involved in Scouting as the Popcorn Kernel and High Adventure Outdoor Activities Chair for his Troop.