
The Joseph Group

Plan Sponsor Insights

  • Educating Your Team – Is Your Team Engaged?

    May 24, 2024

      As a plan sponsor, running an effective 401(k) plan can be time consuming and take your focus away from your day-to-day responsibilities. With the stress of your everyday job sometimes pieces of a 401(k) plan can be pushed to the side. One part of an effective 401(k) plan that is often overlooked is education. […]

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  • Financial Wellness as a Benefit

    March 13, 2024

    We have likely heard the latest phrase in the news “forever labor shortage” or perhaps you are even experiencing this right now in a hiring process. To some, it certainly feels like the economy is humming along and creating jobs, but finding the right candidate to fill a role is becoming increasingly difficult. To others, […]

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  • Don’t Get Burned

    December 28, 2023

    Christmas is a wonderful time of year. Personally, it’s one of my favorites! Each year it’s a time to remember the things we’re thankful for and spend time with loved ones. For this article, I wanted to take a different approach to both share some blessings and hopefully a funny anecdote. This year has been […]

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  • What Is a Plan Quarterback….and Why Does It Matter?

    September 19, 2023

      In the retirement plan advisory business, there are three types of plan advisors. The first is the traditional plan investment advisor. This type of advisor will simply monitor the plan’s core menu of funds and make recommendations on when/what to change. The second is more of a plan specialist role. They’ll manage the plan’s […]

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  • What Keeps Employees Up at Night

    June 14, 2023

      Recently the Employee Benefit Research Institute released the 2023 “Retirement Confidence Survey Results” and the results are eye opening. Within the last 18 months we’ve seen some historically bad market volatility, including the worst year ever for the bond market in 2022, recent highs in inflation, and three of the biggest bank failures on […]

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  • A Few of Our Favorite Things…

    March 8, 2023

      By now, I’m guessing that most people reading this have heard that the Secure Act 2.0 was passed by Congress and signed into law late last year. The second iteration of the Secure Act was crafted with the intention of increasing employee retirement savings while also expanding access to company retirement savings plans. With […]

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  • Plan Sponsor Attitudes

    September 26, 2022

    When we are reviewing a company’s retirement plan, especially in times like today, a common question that comes up is “What are other companies doing with their plan.” It’s instinctual to wonder what’s happening with other companies in your peer group and have an interest in how they address various aspects of their retirement plan. […]

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  • Annual Due Diligence

    June 29, 2022

    As a plan sponsor, one of the most important things you can do each year is sit down and review the retirement plan. You may be asking yourself “why?” or perhaps the plan tends to be out of sight, out of mind so you feel like everything is running smoothly. It’s certainly possible that the […]

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  • Profit Sharing

    February 16, 2022

      Welcome to the New Year! It’s been a crazy first month for a multitude of reasons. While the kickoff has been a bumpy ride so far, there are many reasons to be hopeful and I hope you and your business see that hope to fruition. A question we are often asked is what more […]

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  • A Plan Sponsor Year End Checklist

    November 18, 2021

        I’m sure many of us were hopeful that 2021 would be a better year and in many ways our hopes came to fruition. While we didn’t quite get back to business as usual, business owners and plan sponsors weren’t thrown a curveball like the CARES Act so far this year. In most cases, […]

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