
The Joseph Group

2023 Fall Wealth Summit

November 1, 2023

Peace and Purpose – Tips from Monastic Life


Wise beyond his years, Steven Lawson, creator of the Monk Manual Planner, has created a community of people from all walks of life who desire to live with greater peace and purpose. Drawing on the timeless wisdom found in monastic life, Steven will share with us how those habits – faith, gratitude, listening, presence, and intentional giving and loving – can be brought into our everyday life to help us truly realize the potential of who we are and live a life of contentment, joy and peace.

Join us for a special evening that can help transform your thinking and your life. And bring a friend or two – this evening is meant to be shared.



Grange Audubon Center , 505 W. Whittier St.
Columbus, OH 43215