
The Joseph Group

Doug and Beth Morgan,
Wealth Advisory Clients
From Success to Significance

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I guess I knew that he wanted to do something different, that life was starting to look like wow, time is marching on. But that was sort of like okay, what do we do now?

Beth Morgan

Doug and Beth Morgan have transformed their lives of success to significance. Doug had a long career in Columbus as a lawyer, but something was urging him to do something different – to really fulfill a passion that he has always had. Now, Doug is pursuing his version of a great life by rebuilding and restoring old barns that date as far back as the Civil War.

Their keys to creating a life of significance:

  • Don’t wait too long
  • Have a great support system
  • Communicate and talk things through

What does a life of significance after success look like for you?

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* No portion of this Client Story should be construed as an endorsement of The Joseph Group’s services, or as a guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if The Joseph Group is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services.