
The Joseph Group

Renate Fackler Clients Who Inspire – Meet Renate Fackler


I (Matt) had the joy of meeting dear friend and client Renate Fackler at her art studio just outside of Alexandria. In addition to being a loving wife, mother and grandmother, Renate is a well-known and highly respected sculptor in the central Ohio area. Her work includes more notable pieces (the life size bronze of Brutus the Buckeye in the OSU Student Union and the bronze of Jerry Mock (first woman to fly around the world) in the John Glenn International Airport) as well as more personal commissioning for individuals, businesses, and churches. Below are some excerpts of my conversation with her – enjoy learning what makes up her great life!

Matt: Share with our readers how you became a sculptor.

Renate:  I believe that I didn’t so much become a sculptor as that I was born a sculptor. I was born with the gift to “see” something in my mind and replicate it in my art. God gives that gift and while we can cultivate and develop it, it always begins in our very nature. My father was a chemist but only as way to provide for our family. He was born to be an artist and as a past time, he created beautiful works of art. For example, Boyd and I have an 800 lb. wooden clock in our home that my father made. I was born with that same gift and passion and because of Boyd’s business career (Bob Boyd Family of Dealerships), I was blessed to be able to pursue it full time.

Matt: At a deeper level, how do you understand the work you do?

Renate:  Over time I’ve come to understand that I am merely an instrument of God – the work I do reflects His beauty, and it is a great blessing to create something and share it with others. Another way to put it is that I am a conduit, a channel of His creative goodness; when I’m in my studio working, it is a transcendent experience. It has given my life great purpose and takes me out of the mundane and into the sublime. I begin every day with prayer – that my work will touch the hearts of others and bring peace and joy to them.

Matt: In recent years you have done a considerable amount of commissioned religious art for local churches, particularly many bronze works of Jesus and His mother, Mary. How has that impacted you?

Renate: Well, I find that focusing so much time on those images draws me closer to God and it is then that my work can reflect what is in my soul. Artists understand that whatever is in our soul will be expressed through our hands. The liturgical sculptures I create will exist for centuries and I find that very humbling. Accompanying that of course is a great deal of pressure – to make sure that each piece reflects my best work and that I have translated well into reality what my client is wanting and what I am seeing through the eyes of my heart.

Matt: Do you find the work demanding?

Renate:  Yes, it requires me to be at my best – emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. There certainly is no place for complacency in the work I do. I enjoy my interaction with my clients, and I still look forward to the challenge that each commission poses. I’m convinced that my passion for expression through sculpture will continue until I can no longer engage in it – so I am thankful for every day that I’m in my studio doing the work I love!

Matt:  We have many clients that retire from busy careers – as doctors, lawyers, business owners and executives. Some seem drawn to pursuing some type of artistry in their retirement. What advice would you give to them?

Renate:  I love hearing that – for many people, retirement from a career is a wonderful opportunity to explore avenues they never knew might provide mental and emotional growth. Art has many faces – sculpture, painting, weaving, enameling – and all are available at art centers throughout the greater Columbus area. The Columbus Cultural Arts Center, recently renamed the Priscilla Tyson Center, is one of the most comprehensive resources available to all residents. In addition, the Castle in Delaware, and the McConnell Art Center in Worthington (known as the MAC) are wonderful places to explore different art forms. And participating in classes at these facilities provides not only instruction in the arts, but an opportunity for camaraderie with like-minded people, often at the same place in their own life journey.

Matt:  Thank you so much for sharing your great life story with our clients and friends. What a gift to do something that inspires yourself and others. God bless you!

Renate:  Thank you so much, Matt. I am grateful every day!


* No portion of this Client Story should be construed as an endorsement of The Joseph Group’s services, or as a guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if The Joseph Group is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services.