Don't have any regrets before you go to bed, and really focus during the day on, am I going to regret doing this or not doing it? Think about that, so that when you go to bed, you can say “I don’t regret anything today.”
Terry has recently retired from a successful family physician practice that he started where his wife, Maria, was his longtime bookkeeper. As they are transitioning into retirement, both Terry and Maria have taken on new roles with Terry now at OhioHealth and Maria at the Ronald McDonald House. While their second half still includes close to full-time work, they are finding some time for travel including hiking in the United States and Canada and submersing themselves in the cultures of other countries. They’re enjoying their newfound freedom to try new things and take on new challenges.
Their keys to a life of significance after success:
- – Create and strengthen new relationships with family and friends
- – Take on new challenges and continue to grow
- – Don’t have any regrets when you go to bed
What does your life of significance look like after success?