Living a Generous Life
July 1, 2022
To Inspire:
As we step into this 4th of July weekend, author Matthew Kelly’s newest book, The Generosity Habit, continues to inspire me. Here are some more of his tips, adapted a bit for this most special of American holidays:
Idea #14 – Praise someone you know publicly. While it is best to provide constructive feedback in private, praising someone in public can be a wonderful way to boost their own self esteem and confidence. I’m not talking about flattery or false praise – I’m talking about praising someone for an action or character trait they have that is truly worthy of praise. This works wonderfully well with one’s spouse, children, in-laws, and grandchildren as well as colleagues at work. And as we celebrate our nation’s founding, consider offering public praise for aspects of our country that you find praiseworthy.
Idea #15 – Give blood. What a simple but incredibly generous act. Giving blood at a Red Cross station will help save the life of another person – is there any more generous act than that? It is a totally selfless and noble act – let’s all do it!
Idea #16 – Surprise someone with a gift. Surprising someone you care about with a special gift is fun, easy and something that person will remember. We all give gifts at appropriate occasions (birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas or Hanukah) but surprising someone takes generosity to a new level – one you and your recipient will delight in.
Idea #17 – Help someone in a hurry. Be aware when someone else is in a hurry and help them. Let someone in on the highway; allow them to go in front of you in the grocery line; open a door to a store for them. Yes, it may slow you down a bit but you’ll be calming their stress and reminding them that there are caring people in the world – something we all need to be reminded of often.
Idea #19 – Smile generously. I love this one. We all smile many times during the day (or at least I hope we do!). But how about giving someone a truly generous smile – a big, look them in the eye smile that lets’ them know you’re listening to them and truly care about them. Smiles are free – but oh so valuable to the ones you give them to.
Tip #21 – Help someone fulfill a dream. Wow, this one is powerful. Ask someone you know to share a dream. Listen intently and figure out what you can do to help them realize that dream. Then do it. It may simply be to encourage them and check in every few months to see how they’re coming in pursuing that dream. Or there may be something else you can do – introduce them to someone you know that might be able to help them. Whatever it is, helping someone fulfill a dream is a wonderfully generous act – and will give you tons of joy.
Generosity is part of living a great life and we are all about encouraging our friends and clients to live a truly great life, an inspired life, a life of joy and giving and love. Every day look for ways to give generously and watch what happens – you’ll never be the same.
And from all of us at The Joseph Group, have a wonderful time celebrating this great nation we live in. Happy 4th!!
Written by Matt Palmer, Partner & Co-founder