
The Joseph Group

Paying Forward

June 28, 2024

To Inspire:

Dear Clients and Friends – what a joy to spend Wednesday evening with Archie Griffin, our featured guest for our Spring Wealth Summit. Perhaps the best comment ever made about Archie came from his coach, Woody Hayes. He once shared, “He’s a better young man than he is a football player, and he’s the best football player I’ve ever seen.” High praise from one who knows the character of men.

For our guests, Archie shared much about his life and the influences that have shaped him. Allow me to share the best of his comments:

My parents taught all of us the three D’s: determination, dedication and desire. They expected us to live those words in all aspects of our lives and I credit them with giving me the drive and determination I had throughout my life.

They also gave me a strong upbringing as a Christian. I gave my life to Jesus Christ when I was 13 years old and I’ve tried to honor Him everyday since then.  Every morning I pray that I can glorify Him in all that I do that day.

I was blessed by great coaches and great teammates – my successes were team successes. 

I also was blessed with the skills and talents that God gave me – and I’ve tried to use them.

Woody taught all of us to pay it forward. I can remember after Thursday afternoon practices he would put 6 or 7 of us in his car and drive us down to Children’ Hospital to spend time with the children there. I try to continue to pay forward in thanks for all that I’ve received in my life.

One of the greatest principles I try to live by is the Golden Rule – do unto others as I would have them to do unto me. It’s helped me tremendously throughout my life.

His time with us was an absolute treat. He has built a legacy of paying forward and striving to be his best in every aspect of His life. And he thanks God each day for the opportunities and blessings he’s been given. Not a bad formula for all of us in our quest to live lives of joy and impact – building a legacy that will last long after we’re gone.

Live the life you were meant to live – live with faith, joy, passion, and purpose!





Written by Matt Palmer, Partner & Co-Founder