St. Valentine
February 14, 2025
To Inspire:
I (Matt) am going to take a break from John Mark Comer’s book, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry,” to focus on Valentine’s Day. Today millions of Americans will give candy, flowers and cards to that special someone as an expression of love. Although it seems like a holiday fabricated in the last century or so to add to our nation’s growing consumerism, it actually has its roots in ancient Christianity.
St. Valentine was a third century bishop who lived during a period of great military conflicts as part of the Roman Empire’s never-ending appetite for expansion and domination. The Roman emperor needed more men for his conquests so he outlawed all engagements and marriage, thinking that single men would be more easily conscripted into service and more focused on their duties as soldiers. Seeing the great injustice in this, St. Valentine secretly performed many Christian marriages. Eventually his actions were discovered by the Roman authorities, and he was imprisoned and then martyred. His heroic defense of marital love was passed down over the centuries and here we are today – celebrating Valentine’s Day each February 14th.
His life can still inspire married couples today to defend and protect marriage – their own and others. The gift of marriage helps to anchor family life and provides a solid foundation for a flourishing society. As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, let’s remember to give our spouse more than just a card or a box of candy. Let’s give our spouse a life of selfless love – always seeking our spouse’s good. In doing so we’ll strengthen our own marriage and give witness to younger generations that the gift of marriage is one to be pursued and celebrated.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Written by Matt Palmer, Partner & Co-Founder