Dotting the “I”
September 6, 2024
To Inspire:

Archie Griffin with Matt Palmer earlier this year
What a thrill for me to be in the Ohio Stadium last Saturday as Archie Griffin dotted the “I” as the Ohio State University Marching Band performed their famous Script Ohio.
Archie was chosen in celebration of his first Heisman Trophy Award 50 years ago this year and in gratitude for a lifetime of service to OSU and the greater central Ohio community. He joins only a handful of others (including Jack Nicklaus, Bob Hope, and Woody Hayes) to have been asked by the university to perform this task of honor.
In reflecting on the experience, I realized that we too have dotting the “I” moments. Like Archie, are there moments of joy in your life that reflect many years of giving and serving others – our spouses, children, colleagues, etc.? Perhaps it’s the wedding of one of our children, or the birth of a grandchild. Perhaps it’s our own retirement or a special wedding anniversary. Those moments don’t just happen – they are preceded by years of dedication, love, and commitment to those around us.
It is highly unlikely that any of us will ever dot the “I” in Script Ohio. But all of us can have similar moments of exhilaration and joy – by serving those around us faithfully. Acts of love….done over and over again…will produce a life of beauty and impact. And what better dot could there be than that!
Have a great weekend!
Written by Matt Palmer, Partner & Co-Founder