Portfolios & Pints – December 2022
December 13, 2022
Each year, major investment banks publish long-term capital market assumptions which look at economic conditions, growth rates, valuations, and other factors to assess future return opportunities across asset classes. This year, few asset classes have emerged unscathed from declines, but looking at 2023 forward, lower valuations and higher interest rates appear to offer the best potential long-term future returns in over a decade.
Join us Tuesday, December 13 at Planks Cafe for what has become an annual tradition as Travis Upton, Partner, CEO & Chief Investment Officer and Alex Durbin, Portfolio Manager summarize Capital Market Expectations published by various institutional investment firms and the math behind meeting long-term portfolio objectives.
Everyone is welcome – please feel free to bring a friend or colleague!
Planks Cafe & Pizzeria,
743 Parsons Avenue
Columbus, OH 43206