Get Social
March 14, 2025
To Inspire:
How social are you? If you’re like many people, you might go hours each day without talking with anyone. After a while, you might find it easier to spend time alone versus calling a friend or visiting a neighbor, but research shows a life lived socially is best.
For example, a recent research study found people who had more social interactions over the course of four weeks had greater well-being. Another study shows having just one quality conversation with a friend each day improves mental health. While connecting with others can take time and energy, there are some simple strategies to make you more social.
Focus on quality interaction every day. Research shows quality conversations are crucial, and there are four different kinds of conversations that count as quality: meaningful talk (like a heart-to-heart), catching up, expressing affection, and joking around. You can have a quality interaction with anyone – a loved one, a coworker, a best friend – and all you need is one a day. Focus on being a good listener and discuss topics that matter to each of you.
Don’t discount small talk. While the deep conversations are important, not everything has to be a big deal. Small talk, chit chat, office banter are low energy, casual ways to connect with the people around you and contribute to feelings of belonging to a community.
Make – and keep – plans. This is a big one. While some of your social interactions are out of your control – if you’re still working, you have to talk to your boss, for example, so choosing to hang out with a friend is a great thing for your mental health! It can be hard to think about being social after a long day, but if you already have plans on the calendar with someone you care about, you should stick to them. Consider having a routine, like a Sunday night call with a sibling, a monthly book club meet-up, or a regularly scheduled breakfast with friends. Having plans already made eliminates the energy involved in planning social interactions.
Understand technology. Many of our connections today are through screens. But some technology-fueled interactions are better for you than others. Just scrolling and looking at a friends social media post is passive. Group chats and text messages are better, since they provide give and take. Video chats and phone calls are next on the connection ladder, and the top rung – face-to-face communications. So while online communications can be fulfilling, remember in person interaction is important.
Embrace alone time. We’ve been talking about being social, but having some solo time is also important. Solitude and social time are not at odds – you need each to really appreciate the other. Try to use your downtime to recharge and prepare for upcoming social interactions.
So back to the question we started with – how social are you? If you’re a naturally social person, great! If you don’t consider yourself very social, think about the boost to your overall well-being from getting out there and getting social, even just a little. Make plans today to get together with a friend or loved one, and start reaping the benefits of a great life filled with connections.
Written by Michelle O’Brien, Manager of Marketing & Communications
Source: Volpe, Allie. Want a better social life? Try these easy habits.