
The Joseph Group

Is Your Life An Adventure?

June 21, 2018

To Inspire: 

Adventure.  What a great word – it conjures up exciting travels, challenging goals, exciting plans.  We’ve all heard that life itself is an adventure!  So true.

But it’s important to ask yourself periodically if you’re living life as an adventure.  Are you building adventure into your travels, your goals, your plans?  If not, why not?  Fear?  Procrastination?

We’re made for adventure.  Recently, my female colleagues and I met with 10 female clients to discuss the possibility of creating some kind of Women’s Forum where women could come together periodically around a topic of common interest.  As an icebreaker for this brainstorming session, I asked each person present to share a passion or hobby.  It was fascinating to see how many shared adventure hiking (travel combined with hiking) as a passion/interest.  I think we initially were all surprised, but given how we’re all hardwired to love adventure and that life itself is an adventure, perhaps we shouldn’t have been!

Each of our lives are gifts – and time moves fast!  Determine today to live life as an adventure.  It’s a mindset in which you choose each morning to be open to all that comes your way that day – to live each moment with passion, purpose, and enthusiasm, looking for the good and the beautiful, seeing each moment as exciting, as a moment that will never happen again.

As well, determine to create more opportunities for adventure.  What are your summer or fall travel plans?  Can you incorporate a hike or some other kind of adventure outing into your vacation?  Push yourself a bit beyond what you think you are capable of – you’re capable of more than you think.  Let’s really live this gift called life – and live it the way we were made to live it – with a spirit of adventure.

Today, determine to be a person of adventure.  Then get ready – your life will never be the same.