Rest, Restore, Connect, Create
March 27, 2020
To Inspire:
We have been so inspired by how many of our clients and friends are moving through this challenging time with peace, gratitude and hope.
But we also know that many in our country are gripped with worry, fear, even panic. In her book, Rhythms of Renewal, beloved Christian author and speaker Rebekah Lyons shares four life-giving strategies that can move us to greater peace and joy, even in times of stress.
- Rest – take time each day to rest. Perhaps a 30-minute nap or sitting in a favorite chair to pray or to reflect on all of your blessings.
- Restore – What an opportunity this time is to build new daily habits that restore and even increase our physical and mental strength. Spend time outdoors exercising and spend time indoors reading. Reading great books (the Bible, great novels, biographies) will change our lives for the better!
- Connect – Haven’t we all wished that technology could be used more productively than it often is. Well now is the time! Facebook, texting, phone calls and online conversations finally can be focused in ways that keep us connected to family and friends. Use your phone and laptop to be a source of inspiration, peace and joy to those you love rather than a source of stress and negativity!
- Create – each of us has been given many gifts and talents. In this time of challenge, how can we use those gifts and talents to help those around us, especially those isolated or otherwise in need. I know that many of us have been inspired to hear stories of teachers driving through neighborhoods to wave to their children or of mothers placing stuffed bears in their windows so that children outside can go on a bear hunting adventure. Med students all over the country are caring for the children of doctors and nurses as they serve the needs of patients. Use your creativity and your fists to help others – you’ll be helping yourself as well!
Rest, restore, connect, create. Every challenge has within it the seeds of blessings. Together, let’s use this time to rebuild our culture in ways that inspire one another and serve others in need. In doing so we’ll discover the greatness of love.