
The Joseph Group

Ways to Experience Beauty

October 29, 2021

To Inspire:

Let’s continue our reflection on beauty as an important part of a great life. There are so many ways to experience beauty in our lives – allow me to offer five:

  1. Get outside. Every morning I take Ike, our 3 year old Bernese Mountain dog, to Wolfe park for a walk. It’s an amazing half hour for me. Sometimes I’m there early enough to see the sun coming up. Always I notice the incredible variety of trees, the different types of birds, and the rushing sound of Alum Creek as it flows south. I use that time to pray, or reflect on my upcoming day or simply let my eyes and ears take in the beauty all around me. Nature is such a gift and I encourage all of us to make time to experience it each day.
  2. Have a meaningful conversation with a friend or loved one. A great conversation can be a source of beauty. Take time each week to sit down with someone you love and enjoy a conversation. Their face, and their words are gateways to their souls and every soul has such beauty in it. Prioritize meaningful conversation.
  3. Listen to beautiful music. We all have our own taste in music but I find classical music and even Gregorian chant a great source of beauty. Perhaps take 20 minutes this week to listen to a famous work by one of the great Renaissance composers. Or, if you play an instrument, take it out of the closet and begin playing it a few minutes each day. Now in his 80’s, my dear friend and mentor, Virgil Early, practices his trumpet every morning right after his prayer time. He shared with me recently what a great blessing the gift of music is to him. Wonderful.
  4. Admire beautiful art and architecture. I must confess that I am not nearly the admirer of our art that I would like to be. But I do know that whenever I spend time in an art museum, I experience deep joy. Art, and architecture, reflect the beauty of creation and are wonderful opportunities to put beauty into our lives. Or take up a paint brush and try your hand at creating your own beauty – we have a number of clients that do that now!
  5. Spend time with children. The faces and voices of my five grandchildren are an incredible and source of beauty and joy for me and remind me of the beauty of family life.

As a Christian, beauty inevitably points me to God, the author and source of all that is created and all that is beautiful. And in that way, beauty leads me to joy and to gratitude. Hopefully the above ideas will spur you on to ways that you can increase beauty in your own lives

Beauty, what an important part of a great life.


   Written by Matt Palmer, Co-founder & Partner