
The Joseph Group

Worthwhile Sacrifice

June 7, 2024

To Inspire:

I’ve been so moved by the pictures and news stories of the men (now in their late 90’s and early 100’s) who were part of the D-Day Invasion of Normandy 80 years ago this week. Perhaps you saw the pictures of France’s president bestowing France’s highest military honor upon a number of these men who made the trip over there this week. So moving. The great sacrifices they and so many other American soldiers made that day are so inspiring – we owe them a debt of gratitude that our nation can never fully repay. And it wasn’t just their sacrifice – we think also of the many families whose husbands, sons and fathers never returned – or returned injured or maimed for life. Heroic lives for a heroic cause – the cause of freedom. Especially touching was the comments of more than one of these veterans now at the end of their lives that they would do it all over again.

As that generation has shown us, sacrifice is worth it when the goal is great enough. And so, as we celebrate their sacrifice and the freedom it won for so many across the European continent, what sacrifices are each of us willing to make in our lives to bring about a worthy goal? How about a family member or friend struggling in life – are we willing to invest the time and effort to help them get back on the right track? How about a health issue we’re dealing with – are we willing to invest the effort to eat properly, exercise adequately and follow our doctor’s recommendations? Or how about an issue in society that seems so intractable and that so concerns us – poverty, addiction, and other injustices. Are we willing to figure out a way that we can make a difference, regardless of how small or insignificant our contribution seems? It’s a question worth pondering and answering.

I sure do see so many of our clients and friends engaged in just those kinds of sacrifices. So many of you are serving loved ones at home who are sick. Others of you volunteer with ministries or not for profits that serve those in need. Your time and money are valuable and yet you sacrifice both to make a difference in the lives of those you serve. And my strong sense is that you would say your sacrifice is totally worth it. In a real sense, sacrifice is the most beautiful and extreme example of love. And we are made for love. Pope John Paul II said it well – “love is the answer to everything.” And love is the source of all joy.

Find ways to sacrifice, ways to truly love. And watch the joy in your life increase dramatically.

Have a great weekend!





Written by Matt Palmer, Partner & Co-Founder