
The Joseph Group

Wealth Notes: escapehatch

  • U.S. Stock Market Very At Home

    August 24, 2015

    Home, home on the range…the U.S. stock market seems very at home in the “trading range” it has been in for the last four months. One of the key questions we have been asking in The Joseph Group’s Investment Strategy meetings is “What could make the market break out of this sideways pattern to one direction or another?” In an attempt to answer this question, we’ve tried to look at possibilities in both directions.

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  • Coffee with the CIO

    August 12, 2015

    Last week we held the first of what will become a regular event – “Coffee with the CIO” – at The Joseph Group’s offices led by The Joseph Group’s Chief Investment Officer, Travis Upton. Numerous topics were covered, but two main issues were clearly on the clients’ minds – 1) the continued saga of Greece, and 2) where to play offense in order to make money in what has been a flat market.

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  • Thoughts on Father’s Day

    August 12, 2015

    We are pleased to share with you an important and thought-provoking article from Jack D’Aurora’s June 23rd post on parenthood and, in light of Father’s Day, his thoughts and reflections on his own father.

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