
The Joseph Group

Wealth Notes: escapehatch

  • Staying in the Game

    August 2, 2016

    While politics have been the spotlight in news headlines, we can now expect competition to bring us together as coverage of the much anticipated 2016 Olympic Games in Rio begins.  As we cheer on our country and favorite athletes we are sure to witness many victorious celebrations, but at the same time learn from moments of struggle and defeat. Four-time United States National Champion Heather (Dorniden) Kampf once used a setback to propel herself into making a powerful comeback to win gold at a Big Ten Championship.  Today, author Michael Hyatt shares with us three reasons we should stay in the game when the going gets tough. 

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  • The Search for Income

    July 29, 2016

    Yesterday we held our monthly “Portfolios at Panera” event – a time for clients and friends to have a casual discussion about what is happening in markets.  Our focus yesterday was going through different strategies and looking at the performance leaders and laggards to identify common themes.  If there was one major theme which might summarize the whole discussion it was “the search for income.”

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  • What Are You Scattering?

    July 26, 2016

    Helen Walton was once quoted saying “It’s not what you gather but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.” Married to the founder of Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club, she certainly knew a thing or two about wealth but more importantly, the significance of living a life of influence and positively impacting others. Writer Gail Rodgers shares a similar message reminding us our words and actions touch lives far beyond the boundaries we think they go.

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  • Smart Money/Dumb Money

    July 22, 2016

    As discussed in last week’s issue of Wealth Notes, positive surprises in recent economic data have coincided with new stock market highs. However, we note certain technical indicators are throwing up caution flags regarding how much higher the market may run. The aptly named “Smart Money/Dumb Money” Confidence indicator is one of our favorite measures of investor sentiment. The indicator uses “real money” gauges to track what different groups of investors are actually doing with their money. Oftentimes the behavior of the indicator is simply noise, but extreme movements incite awareness.

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  • Jobs, Manufacturing, Service – New High!

    July 15, 2016

    After more than a year of treading water the S&P 500 finally moved above its former all-time high of 2135 (set May 21, 2015) this week to set new all-time record highs.  Being only two weeks removed from the “Brexit” market turmoil, setting new highs has seemed to take most investors by surprise. It’s probably not hard to come up with reasons for market caution (we’ve heard there is a presidential election coming up this year) but we are definitely struck by the strength we have seen in recent U.S. economic data.  In this issue we share what we are seeing with three major pieces of economic data.

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  • The Jimmy V. Honoree

    July 14, 2016

    On Wednesday evening the ESPY Awards were held recognizing individual and team athletic achievement. The winning streak continued for the Cleveland Cavaliers off the court as they received several awards, and the careers of retirees Peyton Manning, Kobe Bryant, and Abby Wambach were celebrated. As athletes were recognized and admired for their determination, commitment, and confidence throughout the season, an individual “on the sidelines” provided the greatest inspiration that night.

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  • The Unicorn Farm is Not Hiring

    July 8, 2016

    Jessica Herrin, CEO & Founder of the Stella & Dot Family of Brands and author of Find Your Extraordinary, recently published an article after meeting with a new college graduate in search of landing her “dream job.” With two job offers in front of her, she was concerned that they weren’t all she had hoped they’d be after obtaining her degree; one could be too tedious, the other could be too challenging. Her goal was to begin her career in a position she was very passionate about without compromise. The words of wisdom Jessica shared are valuable not only to those entering the workforce but each one of us as we are reminded those that look for easy will never find extraordinary.

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  • Politics, Performance, and Presidents

    June 30, 2016

    Thursday morning we held our monthly “Portfolios at Panera” event – an opportunity for clients and friends to hear about what is happening in the markets and how those happenings are impacting portfolios we manage. Today’s session consisted of three main topics: Brexit, market performance for the first half of 2016, and interesting observations when to politics and the presidential candidates.

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  • Inspirational Challenges

    June 28, 2016

    Aside from picnics and parades, Independence Day is a time to reaffirm God’s vision for America while we reflect on the reason for celebration. As we honor our nation’s birthday this weekend, we remember with gratitude the many men and women who have served in the military so that all Americans can enjoy the freedoms we cherish.  Army Sergeant Bryan Anderson is one such veteran.  But it is not just his service that inspires us; it’s what he has done since then to encourage all who know him, or his story, to live lives with courage, passion, and greatness.

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  • BREXIT – The UK is Out

    June 24, 2016

    While polls and betting odds suggested the United Kingdom would remain part of the European Union, last night’s news came as a surprise, particularly to the financial markets. At The Joseph Group, our investment team is on the phone with money managers processing the impact of UK’s decision on markets and portfolios. As markets digest the news, here are some facts we are discussing as we separate the signal from the noise.

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