
The Joseph Group

Wealth Notes: escapehatch

  • By Teaching You Will Learn

    October 5, 2016

    Last Wednesday, teachers around the globe were recognized in honor of World Teachers’ Day. Chances are, we all can think of that one special teacher who gave us something, besides the next day’s assignments, to take home and really think about. As we reflect on the ways our lives were uniquely impacted in the classroom, we share with you a teacher’s story that gives life to Phil Collins’ lyrics “by learning you will teach; by teaching you will learn.”

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  • The Amazing Roth

    October 3, 2016

    This past weekend, an article appeared in The Columbus Dispatch written by Todd Walter, Client Advisor and Director of Advisory Services at The Joseph Group. In case you missed it, Todd discussed the work of Senator William Roth, a legislative sponsor of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. That legislation produced one of the great financial planning tools of this generation – the Roth IRA. Today we share with you the many benefits of a Roth IRA, applicable to individuals throughout all stages of life.

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  • 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

    September 28, 2016

    We often hear how important it is to “find our passion” in life.  We even discuss it here at The Joseph Group as part of our “second half” discussions with our clients – encouraging them to pursue their true passion once they’re financially able to.  But how does one discover his or her passion? 

    Author and life coach Darren Hardy encourages people to write down the answers to the following questions as a way to zero in on what you’re passionate about.

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  • The Fed Doesn’t Get Any More “Interest”-ing This Week

    September 23, 2016

    Earlier this week the Federal Reserve voted to keep short term interest rates unchanged from their current target range of (0.25% to 0.50%).  The market reaction to the “hold” was positive as stocks, bonds, real estate and commodities all rallied after the Fed’s announcement on Wednesday and continued to rally on Thursday.  The market clearly likes the idea of low interest rates continuing to stimulate the economy – the Fed is not taking away the punch bowl yet.

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  • 5 Things Impacting the Legacy We Leave

    September 21, 2016

    Located in Ventura, California, Barna Group has been considered to be a leading research organization focused on the intersection of faith and culture since its start in 1984. President David Kinnaman, also a best-selling author, recently taught at a conference workshop where he shared five ways you’ll be defined in your lifetime. In attendance was our friend John Scroggins, Executive Director of The Baton Exhange, a young professional leadership development and mentoring organization. What five things do you think positively impact the legacy we leave?

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  • Voting Member of the Fed Makes “Interesting” Comments – Are Rising Rates Imminent?

    September 9, 2016

    Earlier today, a voting member of the U.S. Federal Reserve (Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren) made statements which created a strong market reaction.  According to Rosengren, the Fed believes continuing to keep interest rates low may present “longer-term risks from significantly overshooting the economy’s growth.”  As a result he stated “a reasonable case can be made for continuing to pursue a gradual normalization in monetary policy.” Members of the Fed seem to always speak in confusing sentences and big words, but to the financial markets, Rosengren’s words meant one thing…

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  • RUST is de-FANGing the Market

    August 12, 2016

    With stock indexes hitting new highs this week, it is worth taking a closer look at what areas are leading the U.S. stock market.  The stocks leading the market during the last six to seven months are very different than the stocks which led the market last year. It may take an increase in interest rates for market leadership to shift again, but when it comes to valuations, there is risk that FANG may bite back against the RUST.

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  • Greater Than Gold

    August 10, 2016

    If you have been tuning into the Olympics, chances are you cheered on David Boudia a few days ago as he earned silver in synchronized diving with partner Steele Johnson. While this was Steele’s first appearance at the Olympic games, David competed in Beijing in 2008, though leaving empty-handed. It was during those games he realized no matter what goal he accomplished, fulfillment always seemed just beyond his grasp. David pursued the dream of Olympic glory for what he though it could deliver: fame, adoration, acceptance, happiness; he was misplacing hope and looking for joy in the wrong places. During the 2012 games in London, David brought bronze and gold back to the USA due to a new perspective on life and his sport.. one “greater than gold.”

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  • The Secret to Health and Happiness

    August 9, 2016

    When asked the secret to happiness and health, Harvest psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Robert Waldinger says it has nothing to do with fame, money, or success. In fact, he believes that good relationships keep us happier and healthier. His evidence? The Harvard Study of Adult Development. Under Robert’s direction, his team and their predecessors have tracked the lives of 724 men to study their work, home lives, and health. Over the past 75 years, 60 of the original group of men are still living and participating in the study while the team begins to look into the lives of more than 2,000 Baby Boomer sons and daughters of the original 724 men. The biggest takeaways from their findings? 

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  • The Olympics Light a Torch for the Stock Market

    August 5, 2016

    Tonight marks the opening ceremony for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games and for the next two weeks, the world’s focus will be on the games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  While people are flipping around their TVs trying to see if Michael Phelps or the U.S. men’s basketball team will win a gold medal, they are likely to see more “green” as they flip past the financial news.  That’s because history shows the stock market tends to go up during the summer Olympics.

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